Endodontics and Root Canals

Endodontics and Root Canals

Not all damaged teeth require a tooth extraction or intricate surgery. Often, a person experiencing a dental complication may be best served with root canal treatment in Miami. Lastra & Raffel Family Dentistry understands the importance of accurately diagnosing any oral problem in order to handle it with the least amount of trauma and discomfort.

By removing the infected nerve in a tooth, Dr. Raffel is able to halt the decay, preventing the affected tissue from becoming septic. This stops abscesses or gum disease from developing with less pain than an extraction. Miami root canal treatment is an essential part of Lastra & Raffel Family Dentistry’s philosophy of “taking care of people, not just teeth.”

After the removal of the damaged nerve, the area is cleaned, shaped, and filled.  When the tooth has fully sealed, it’s able to function as it did like when it was healthy without having to be replaced.  This simplifies any treatment necessary while allowing a patient to keep their tooth and restoring it to operational capacity.

This process is perfect for treating cavities, dealing with fillings, dental emergencies like a chipped or damaged tooth, and are good alternatives to bridges.  A root canal save the nerve, eliminate the need for future surgery, and end discomfort.

If you’re wondering whether a root canal in Miami is an option, schedule your consultation today.

2150 SW 21st Ave
Miami, FL 33145
(305) 856-5141